Our Story

Swan Financial Advisors, is a comprehensive financial services firm with decades of experience helping clients navigate the ever-changing financial landscape. 

Our process helps to "stress test" clients current financial situation against scenarios that are out of their control: the financial markets, their health and the impact of losing a spouse. Our goal is to help make sure that no matter what happens in life, our clients are prepared for the financial effect it will have on them and their family. 

We care enough to have tough conversations. By having visibility of the impact to their lives and their finances, it allows them to proactively make the necessary adjustments. 

 In working with clients of all stages of life and asset level, we have a specialized focus on meeting the financial planning needs of women.  Women face many unique financial challenges such as longer life expectancy, are often the primary caregiver to children & aging parents and often have to play catch-up with their plans for retirement. At Swan Financial, our goal is to help our clients feel confident about their finances both now and for the future. 

are you confident about your financial future?

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